


He led a very Spartan life-Spartan life-style, had no vices-no smoking, drinking, or women in his life. He did not even have tea or coffee. He was a pure vegetarian since the age of eight and this is quite surprising considering that he was a Parsi. “Every Saturday was fasting day for Nari Gandhi. He ate only on Sunday at lunchtime after this prayer. He had a certain sparkle in his eyes and radiance in his face”.
“He was so utterly simple until you happened to glance at his face; he had the most radiant face you ever saw; it glowed with happiness, knowledge, realization, it was an absolute face.” Nari Gandhi was a very pious man and he prayed at the Fire Temple regularly.
Nari Gandhi loved his mother intensely and they shared a unique relationship. His close friend Amritlal Thakker says, “He had a beautiful relationship with his mother having heard his phone conversations and seen them together- they were vibrant, youthful and full of life”.
Nari Gandhi had this natural ability of affecting other people’s lives. This he did purely by his simplicity. A person from Parsi Colony, Dadar, Mumbai ( Bombay) says, “How could one understand a man who had so many dimensions, so much genius, who was so sensitive and magnanimous? When one met him- even in Kurta pyjama he looked majestic-one was at a total loss because all ones stereotypes regarding work, relationship, life, religion, beauty- which one had carefully nurtured over the years- failed completely. The generosity, clarity and intensity of his thoughts shocked one into silence.

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